Friday, November 18, 2011

dance my puppets dance

Rant On:

Seriously… Penguins?
Dennis Leary did some stand up before he was rescuing people on FX… I have always been a fan of his rants and ire towards the collective following blindly ignorance and selling it as intellectualism (all of his stuff is NSFW, vile, vulgar, and 94% accurate). One bit in particular was him blasting those who boycotted tuna fish back in the day.
“Don’t eat the tuna fish…”
“The dolphins they get caught in the nets and die…”
“Really? What about the Tuna?”
He pointed out a very true fact. If it’s cute its protected if its ugly… well its food. You don’t see but a handful of nutbags marching with signs to protect cows… Why? Because cows are ugly, taste good, and we make useful stuff out of them.
My point, is the premise of the first Happy Feet (which I am ashamed to have had to watch... the price you pay for being a children’s minister) was the evil humans trashing up something and killing cute little penguins. From what I’ve read the second one follows suit with more PC garbage mixed into song for children’s brainwashing… Which I’m sure some oil (or big company) will be the evil that our kids will learn to hate and mistrust… because they keep the penguins from dancing…
What about the cows? What about the chickens? They are cute when they are young? Maybe they want to dance? Do we get to see movies about how they are hauled off to slaughter? No… because we eat them, and brainwashing our kids to hate the food industry wouldn’t serve any political agenda… because we all need food. I mean we all need oil and gas too… But those companies are evil. You know because they sometimes kill animals and ruin the environment (and often spend billions cleaning up there messes). I mean farmers and ranchers only help the environment, I mean cows, chickens and pigs don’t pollute ground water, air, or soil…
Oh wait:
If only livestock didn’t taste good and wasn’t necessary for human existence we could have them dancing showing us how evil farming and ranching was and how many little critters don’t get to be happy and gay dancing the days away… I’m going to drive to get a cheese burger, and eat it smiling…  Seriously… Penguins… again…

Rant Off: