Wednesday, January 19, 2011

show me some skin

So beginith the rant.


Seriously, that could be the entire content of this rant. Those three letters. MTV. The other day I found myself watching a jersey shore marathon... With my roommate...(cause, its was just three dudes watching. nothing wrong with that bro. don't judge) I am the kind of person who tries not to judge a book by its cover. I try not to be one of those close minded people who see something they are not into and assume it is garbage. I also am not one of those people who will never try and experience new  things outside of their comfort zone. So, as much as I hate reality TV, and as much as every aspect of the show jersey shore causes a bile reaction in my throat. I watched it. I even laughed a little bit at it. 

The show is basically a bunch of grown children, having arguments over who took whose toy or touched whose cookie.... Like a roided out kindergarten class. If this show is watched by teen or children and they hope and aspire to be like the cast, then this show could cause more damage to a generation then lead paint. But smashing the jersey shore is not the focus of my rant. The show is a retard, and we all know it. No the focus of this rant is about the commercials that were shown during the breaks of this marathon. 

These are the common repeats of advertising:
-Skins, a new show on MTV (more on this later)
-anti stretch-mark cream
-the new season of 16 and pregnant
-college in your pajamas 
What is the demographic here? 
College aged, teens, with stretch marks, who take classes at home. Wait. Knocked up teens. That is the demographic. Really? Wow... (more on this later)

It dawned on me. MTV is a cancer on today's youth. I'm not saying this because I'm old. I used to watch MTV. It had music, Beavis and Butthead, Jackass, and Ren and Stimpy. You also had Matt Pinfield mumbling to rockstars who performed live on his show... (did I just date myself) Heck I still remember having a crush on Kennedy (what can I say chicks with glasses are hot). Moral of the story is at that time MTV was geared to a college aged demographic. 17 to 25 year old group of people. Today it appears that the target market is more in the 13 to 16 year old demographic. Which wouldn't bother me if the programming reflected anything of merit. But no it is still the same idea as it was when I was in high school. Naked pretty people doing stuff that would make their parents cry. Back in the day it was all 20 somethings making poor choices. Stupid, yes, but they were adults and even with their low IQ's they were doing the dumb stuff at an age when it is legal. Today, MTV seems to promote preteens and teens doing the same stupid stuff only at a younger age. So, instead of naked pretty college people, you have naked children... Let that sink in for just one second... naked children? seriously? 
I will now bring back up the new show skins... I have no idea what this show is about. The commercials for the show had two threads. First, was a bunch of, what appeared to be, 14 to 16 year old kids at a house party spraying liquor and whipped cream all over each other while drunk and rubbing around (in slow motion, you know for effect). Second is a flash back scene played in reverse where a young lady (again appears to be barely 16) is white chick wasted tripping over trashcans at the beginning of the clip but by the end you see that when she left the house she told her mom she was off to study... The hell people? Who is this show written for? As an adult there is no way I should want to watch this... They made this movie once called KIDS. It showed the dark side of teens and the crap that happens. But, it also showed the consequences for those actions, kids died. This show is not written to shock people into paying attention to a lost youth of a generation. To me this show just appears to show the youth of America that its cool to do this crap...
So, please help me. Tell me who this show is written for. If you are an adult, you should be creeped out by watching naked teens rub on each other... It would be like finding you little brother or sister making out, and instead of stopping them.. Just you know watching.... So, it can't be written for the college age demographic. Is it written for kids? Do you want a group of teens and preteens watching naked teens make out, get faced drunk, and do drugs? I lost all respect for MTV a long time ago, but damn MTV you are F'd up... Seriously, to shock me with your depravity is actually impressive... Your advertising during the day is geared toward knocked up teens, who got that way making choices your shows promote and say are cool... You are like a perpetual motion machine of awful.  MTV, you stopped being edgy, a long time ago, you're now the 30 something guy at the high school party in your letter jacket. You stopped being about college aged people doing off the wall stuff to get attention and wandered into the dark side of things, kids dude, kids... If MTV was your neighbor, in most states it would have to come to your house and inform you that it was living there and put a sign in its yard...

Thus endith the rant.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

mobile test

This is a test of my phone's ability to post a blog. If this works I may be able to vent in realtime... I will now attempt to post a picture from phone as well
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Soccer... A repost from the past


So beginth the rant:....

We all know that nobody in the U.S. really likes soccer. But, we are made to think we, and by we I mean all those who will admit how crappy the game is, are wrong because the rest of the world seems to love it. For the most part I've reserved myself to just making fun of the few people I know who come out of the closet and let me know they actually enjoy soccer, and most of those people understand that I'm not going to waiver in my opinion on the subject. Not to mention that my arguments are based on facts, facts are like poison to hippies and soccer fans alike.

But, still to this day I find people who not only enjoy soccer but find the need to explain to me how the rest of the world is right and that I and 89% of the United States is wrong. I will now go about listing my argument against soccer with a few points.

Point one: Kids are not supposed to be sex slaves… Yes, I said sex slaves. What the hell am I talking about? Just do a little google on World Cup Soccer and sex trafficking. You will be shocked at what you will find. The long and short of this fact is apparently rich people who flock to the biggest world soccer event need to indulge in horrible acts of depravity to suppliant the boredom from watching soccer. So, yeah… Soccer leads to sex slavery.

Point two. USA! USA! WE'RE 1 Face it we are. If we were not hundreds of thousands of people would not be flooding our country to live here. But why are we so awesome? Because we are, and even though hippies and liberals will argue that we are not the best place on the planet… We are. For the past 60 plus years we have been the benchmark of civilization. Her is a short list of why we are the best in the world.

-Soccer, we hate it the rest of the world loves it.....

-Democracy, we elect our officials and actually don't have to worry about being killed for our political beliefs. ....

-Freedom of speech, I mean look at the media today they talk crap about everything the government does and none of them are disappeared.....

-Freedom of religion, you don't have to worry about your Baptist neighbors killing you because you are Assembly of God. (isolated cases sure but not tolerated as a way of life)....

-Infrastructure, we have electricity, phone, roads, running water cable television, satellite, and even inner net to just about every corner of our country.....

-Modern medicine, we have hospitals that will cure you of most ailments that are not built out of cinder blocks, with dirt floors, and equipment used in WW2. ....

-Public schools, if you want you can go to school get educated, and will not be turned away because of gender, race, or religion. ....

What is my point. My point is if the greatest country on the planet hates the sport, it’s a crappy sport.

Point three. IQ. That right the average IQ rating of the world is 80, that's five points above retardation. The middle of the road is 100. So doing the math if you are average intelligence (90-100) half of the world is dumber than you. And according to poles most of the world is below the bar. I have included this bell curve diagram to help you out.


What this shows is over half the world is not very bright and therefore more easily amused by people kicking a ball around not scoring and not accomplishing a linier task. The fact the game is non linier is what makes it suck so badly… You are actually punished for moving too quickly down the field to score…

Point four, poverty. True in most countries people don't have much stuff. We fat lazy spoiled Americans are all about stuff. We have cars, TV's, Ipods, computers, and at least three pairs of shoes. In most countries that's not the case because of their lack of infrastructure and economy they don't have luxuries that we have. So when it comes down to the picking of a past time they can't play a sport that requires equipment. For example lets say you wanted to play basketball. You need a ball, flat hard surface, a hoop, and a backboard. Or baseball, you need a stick, ball, bases, and gloves. To play Tennis you need a net, racket, balls, and a mini skirt. To play soccer you need…

soccer ball

And with this I rest my case… Soccer sucks. It is widely played around the world not because it's a great game, but because the rest of the world is too stupid or too poor to do any better.

Thus endith the rant.