Thursday, October 7, 2010

Not so happy meal...

So Beginith the Rant:

I wasn't old enough to remember getting any kind of "toy" in a cracker jack box. When I was a kid only thing inside there were stickers and or baseball card. I do remember when cool toys came in cereal boxes... Even though my family was the feed the kids sticks and twig cereal rather than the fun stuff... Whole other rant there.

What I can remember when I was a kid was the McDonald's Happy Meal. I remember getting anything from matchbox/hotwheel cars to lego kits. I know I had the opportunity to eat more than a few of the meals as a kid especially on the road trip to Snyder to visit grandparents. Now today I read a story that people in California (focused around San Francisco, stupid libbies and their stupidness) are trying to pass a law banning toys in happy meals because, and get this, they think it is a leading cause of childhood obesity.

I am a founding member of the not yet organized group T.A.C.O. (taskforce against childhood obesity)which will advocate shame and reticule to make obese kids stop being fat. Remember when it wasn't okay to be the kid who could run across the playground? Or the kid too out of shape and soft to dodge a ball? Or got winded eating a sandwich? (again... There is a small percentage of people who can't help being fat, but that condition is rare. Also being a large kid isn't bad either. Obese is obese, fat is fat. Fat kids can function and often make great linemen) It was this shame and focus on physical activities that kept the shadow of obese children from darkening the playgrounds of my youth... I find it strange that lawsuits are being brought against fast food chains, when last I checked children can't drive, don't have access to credit, and often get lost or runover when allowed to treck out unsupervised... so with the exception of the independently wealthy kids with cars... adults, more to the point, parents of these kids are buying this good and allowing their kids to eat it and not be active. The first order of business for TACO will be to file suit against any parent of an obese child who cannot prove a medical reason for its fattness. Yes, I will have fries with that... make it a large. So endith the rant
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