Saturday, June 5, 2010

i saw the light

So beginith the rant:

I live in the sunshine state, but unlike what the name suggests there are times when the sun doesn't actually shine. Like at night or during heavy rain. During these rare moments of sunlessness people in the FL find that driving will require the use of headlights.

Headlights are important they allow you to see obstacles in you way like deer, dogs, and unsupervised children.
Headlights also allow you to be seen by other motorists which keeps you from trying to make a real life Voltron.
Headlights are not the source of my ire here today. You see when you have a headlight out you generally replace it quickly seeing how you need then to see at night.

No, I have found an annoyance that fills me with indignant rage, which is easy to do when I'm driving especially if I'm driving in FL during a rainstorm. (I have road rage issues) When driving home from work the other afternoon during a particularly heavy rain shower I was stuck behind a green SUV who had a taillight out. So only one light lit up to inform me he/she was stopping. This would have been the end of my story, and there would be no rant here if that was the only vehicle with the problem. Nope, by the time I finished the 15min drive to my home, in the rain, I was behind no less than 5 cars with only one working tail light.

The safety issues bother me, and the annoyance of following them gets at me a bit too, but what really rubs me the wrong way is the fact that they have not been pulled over repeatedly for this. I have had tail light go out a few times in my jeep, due to a wiring problem that may or may not have resulted from one of the times the vehicle caught on fire. Anyhoo... I have been pulled over a dozen times at least because of this. In fact I don't think I have ever gone more than a day or two with a tail light out without an officer pointing it out to me, both in the state of OK and FL. So how do these jackholes get a pass from that annoyance? Or am I to believe that all 5 of these vehicles lost tail light function on the same day?

So endith the rant.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

spell'n is hard

So beginith the Rant:

I'm not a big fan of public protest. I believe it can be used, in moderation, to show disapproval for certain key items. By "key" I mean something that can negatively effect life, limb, and prosperity of humans. All other displays of civil disobedience for numerous reason that do not fall under that umbrella of importance are just boarder line nut jobs who need to take up a hobby that keeps them indoors. (you hearing me hippies? How about knitting?)

Today I was driving and heard on the radio that the national spelling bee in Washington D.C. was protested. The first thoughts to run through my head was, "Wow, I hate spelling, I suck at it. And I am so not a fan of the spelling bee. But I would never protest it. Because no one would support my irrational dislike of spelling. So, why the protest?"
Surely someone who is running the bee said something about gays, or is gay. Or maybe a judge was a convicted felon. Maybe someone sees the competition as objectifying children, or bias against dumb children. Maybe some bees were injured during the production. All of these reason would, in our world of idiots, seem to me as "reasonable" excuses to get riled up. (reasonable by hippie standards... stupid hippies)

As I read the article I realized that the small group of 4 protesters had an agenda that I completely support. Had I even known this bunch of crazies existed I would have made the jaunt to support the cause. (well maybe not, but I would have bought a t-shirt or wore a wristband)
Their point was this, "Spelling is too hard. We should change the English language to reflect logical and phonic spelling."
Can I get an amen?!
Those of you who know me, know my spelling ability can be surpassed by your average 4th grader. (seriously a below average 4th grader would stand a chance) I have always been cursed with a brain that sees words as more shapes and symbols rather than sounds, yet when it came to putting words down my brain will go with the letters that make the right sound. I'm sure this is a known and proven learning disability, and I bet there are special classes and meetings where I could go and be with more of my kind. (that frightens me... I like the idea that I'm like the highlander with this spelling curse, there can be only one)
Back on task. Imagine a world were you could spell anything as long as you knew what sound letter made... It would be awesome. And I would never have to call anyone named "Sean" "Shawn" again.... Sean your name is SEEN. And Herb would be a name and erb would be what you eat from the garden.

So endith the rant:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I promise this is the last time.

So beginith the rant:

Back on my BP rant. You know about that oil spill that is in the gulf. The same oil spill that isn't washing up on the beaches of North West Florida. I just want to share a conversation I overheard between two people.
Business owner 1 will be called "Lady". Business owner 2 will be called "Man".
Here we go.

Lady, "Hey, we are really slow this week."
Man, "Wow, even though its Memorial Day Weekend?"
Lady, "Yes, we are down 30% from last years numbers."
Man, "Wow, that's tough. We are kind of slow too."
Lady, "Yeah. Well we went to the BP claims adjuster and filed our claim for reimbursement."
Man, "Seriously? Reimbursement? But there is no oil."
Lady, "But BP set up an office for anyone who is suffering business loss due to the oil spill."
Man, "Really. How much can you get?"
Lady, "Don't know we just filed our claim and go back in a few days to see, but we know someone who walked out with a $5,000 check."
Man, "Wow! Really?"
Lady, "Yeah, Really."
(A quick side note "man" has not to my knowledge gone to BP to file a claim.)

I know British Petroleum kinda screwed the pooch on this oil spill. And from everything I've read they are bending over backwards to help those people out who need it. And I appreciate the fact that they even set up a claims office in our area. But they shouldn't need to open it seeing how there is no oil here.
But the people who are riled up about losing business didn't lose it because of oil, nope they lost it because people think there is oil here. One should ask the question, "Why would people be under the impression that there is oil on beaches when there isn't?" Probably because the media keeps playing this story up with no solid facts. The more sensational the more extreme the better. The graphs the maps are not accurate they are "expert projections", and by projections we really mean worse case scenarios from jack holes who barely know what the heck they're talking about.
So, now BP is having to spend money to reimburse people who don't have oil on their beaches because the oil spill has scared people away from the clean beaches too. And in our world's twisted view that is BP's fault.

Will someone please restore my hope in humanity?

I would love for a business owner to bypass the BP claim and file one against a major media outlet for scaring off business. Make CNN, FOX, MSNBC, CBS or ABC write you a check. Hold them accountable. I hate when people throw around lawsuits for the sake of lawsuits but this one seems kind of legit.
If you don't have crude sticking to your feet then BP shouldn't have to pay you.
As for the "Lady" in the conversation above her lack of numbers could be attributed to a million different things. Seeing how she ran a specialty shot that appeals to a very, VERY small demographic. A demographic that may not have happened to vacation at the same time same place this year, but that's BP's fault as well. (another side note her business is located in a resort that at the time was at 98% occupancy, which is pretty dang full of people)

For some reason we (by we I mean our culture) have demonized oil companies and have no problem talking pot shot at them. Surely its not because of the product that we all use and need to survive. I mean do you hate farmers? They make money off your food? But it's not really just big oil under the hate umbrella its all big business, kinda. It's like as a culture we hate that people are making money, and employing people, and producing products. But the issue I have is this hate is selective only Health insurance providers, lenders and traders, and oil companies are evil all other giant businesses get a pass. Why? The giant media and tech companies (Google) make billions and rip people off all the time? Why aren't they evil? Why aren't they being attacked by the media?
Wait... Because they pay the salaries of the media "reporters" (yes I used parenthesis on purpose I don't see anyone on TV as reporters anymore). So wouldn't that be the same as smear campaign? Aren't there laws or something about one company tearing down another company for profit?

So endith the rant: